Thursday, May 31, 2007

DWC Hearing

hello everyone! i just wanted to inform you that as of friday 5/25/07 the city council approved the dwc's proposed plans for the building next door at 434 south san pedro. there will be a hearing for public comment next monday 6/11/07 in city hall at 2:30 pm room 1050.

i've asked vladi to post the notice on the LTL blog, and am asking people to attend thehearing which is slated for public comment. it outlines the general use of space, but most interesting to LTL, the notice also outlines a request for additional floor space to include (but may not be limited to) a community room and outdoor deck. there's also a request for general retail space on the ground floor. and there's a question of the number of permanent versus temporary residential beds being made available to applicants to the center, as well as general parking which will also be made available.

the plan is on file and available to interested parties at the office of the zoning commission 200 northspring street 7th floor, between the hours of 7:30am-4:00 pm monday-friday. the number to call is 213-978-1318 for viewing availability. although the plan has been initially approved by thecity council, the zoning commission, which is conducting this hearing, is amenable to the concerns of the community. and, as the dwc's closest neighbor and most directly impacted one, LTL should voice its' individual and collective concerns regarding the proposed construction. this is the most critical and significant time that we can address the city, and through our comments, possibly modify existing dwc plans on file, or at least remind the dwc of our concernsand involve us in it's planning process.

if few people from the proposed impacted neighborhood appear at this hearing, then the commission will determine that the community accepts the submitted plans of the dwc and act accordingly. the general community has theright and obligation to make it's voice heard. please attend ifyou're able. interested parties who wish to have written comments as part of the public record should address them directly to the office of the zoning administration at the above address. i'm unsure whether the commission will allow anyone to directly address them as they conduct this hearing, but one can also add this request as part of thesubmitted written comments.

people can also contact council woman jan perry and the community redevelopment agency with their comments. hope to see you there! anyone also wishing to read the article aboutthe dwc on page 7 in this week's downtown news should visit their siteat

jan @ little tokyo lofts

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

DWC Hearing

Notice of public hearing to property owners

Los Angeles City Hall
200 North Spring Street, Room 1050
Los Angeles, CA 90012

Monday, June 11, at 2.30 pm

Downtown Women's Center

Thursday, May 17, 2007

We have a new management company

Last night at the HOA meeting we met Richard Monson, owner of Condo Properties, the new management company that is replacing LB.
In the link section of this blog you can find the link to CP website.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

HOA Meeting

Wednesday May 16th
Unit 103
Be there!